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6 Mid-Summer Student Recruitment Strategies

by | Jul 12, 2024

As the sun reaches its peak and the days grow long, charter school leaders find themselves at a pivotal moment: mid-summer, a crucial window for student recruitment that can shape the trajectory of the upcoming school year. While many may view this time as a lull in the academic calendar, savvy leaders recognize it as an opportunity to engage prospective students and families, laying the foundation for a successful enrollment season. 


Here are 6 strategic approaches to maximize mid-summer recruitment efforts and ensure a strong start to the next school year!

Virtual Open Houses and Information Sessions

With the rise of digital communication, virtual open houses and information sessions have become invaluable tools for reaching prospective families. Host interactive online events where families can learn about your school’s mission, programs, and unique offerings from the comfort of their homes. Incorporate live Q&A sessions, virtual tours, and student testimonials to provide a comprehensive overview and address any questions or concerns.

Tip: Download our FREE eBook, “The Art of First Impressions,” for expert tips and strategies to host successful — and memorable — virtual events!

Social Media Engagement 

Leverage the power of social media to connect with prospective families and showcase your school’s strengths. Share engaging content such as student success stories, faculty spotlights, and highlights of upcoming events or initiatives. Encourage current families, staff, and alumni to share their experiences and testimonials, amplifying your school’s reach and credibility within the community.

Community Outreach and Partnerships

Strengthen ties with local community organizations, libraries, churches, and recreational centers to expand your outreach efforts. Collaborate on joint events, workshops, or informational sessions to reach families who may not have been previously engaged with your school. By establishing partnerships and participating in community events, you can increase visibility and build trust within the community.

Tip: Download our FREE Community Outreach Planner to develop your outreach strategy and help you stay organized as you establish new and impactful partnerships.

Targeted Marketing Campaigns

Develop targeted marketing campaigns tailored to specific demographics or neighborhoods to reach families most likely to be interested in your school. Utilize digital advertising, direct mailers, and local publications to promote your school’s unique offerings and enrollment opportunities. Consider offering incentives such as tuition discounts, referral bonuses, or free trial classes to incentivize families to inquire or apply.

Personalized Outreach and Follow-Up

Take a personalized approach to outreach by following up with prospective families who have expressed interest in your school. Send personalized emails or make phone calls to answer questions, provide additional information, and guide families through the enrollment process. Demonstrate genuine care and interest in each family’s needs and circumstances, fostering a sense of connection and trust.

Summer Enrichment Programs and Camps 

Offer summer enrichment programs, camps, or workshops that give prospective students a taste of your school’s academic and extracurricular offerings. These programs not only serve as recruitment opportunities but also allow students to experience your school’s culture and community firsthand. Provide opportunities for families to tour the campus, meet faculty and staff, and engage in hands-on learning experiences.


By implementing these mid-summer recruitment strategies, your charter school can effectively engage prospective families, strengthen community connections, and lay the groundwork for a successful enrollment season. By leveraging digital platforms, fostering community partnerships, and providing personalized outreach, charter schools can attract and enroll students who will thrive academically, socially, and emotionally in the upcoming school year.

As the summer sun shines bright, seize the opportunity to highlight the exceptional educational opportunities charter schools offer.

Let the mid-summer recruitment journey begin!


Want to learn summer student recruitment strategies to help your charter school meet its enrollment goals for the upcoming school year? Sign up for our FREE, on-demand email course: “5 Steps to Recruit MORE Families This Summer!”