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Student Recruitment

Case Study

Choose Charters is dedicated to helping charter schools achieve and exceed their enrollment goals.

How Choose Charters helped one New York City charter school recruit over 50 new student applicants in only 30 days!

The Challenge

In an effort to fill available seats and increase student enrollment, an elementary charter school in the South Bronx hired Choose Charters to boost its recruitment results. The challenge was two-fold:

1.) Identify and implement the most effective school marketing and student recruitment strategies to prevent the school from closing.

2.) Attract and recruit new parents and students (PK-5) using a limited budget in a target area oversaturated with other charter schools.

The Solution

After evaluating existing recruitment strategies and past performance, Choose Charters identified several opportunities for improvement and implemented the following solutions:

Analyzed the school’s current strategy and identified several new creative recruitment channels.

Updated the strategy to prioritize the most relevant and effective recruitment channels.

• Targeted the upper grades that were suffering the most and recruited families for these grades through multiple recruitment channels. This also generated more interest in the school’s lottery.

• New student recruitment information was quantified, qualified, and routinely dispersed to the school’s enrollment specialist using an automated system that tracked each application as it came in.

The Result

Thanks to the expanded reach of over 16,000 families that were located through Choose Charters’ marketing within the first 30 days of recruitment efforts, the charter school was able to keep its doors open for the 2023-2024 school year with 54 students recruited and 16 new applicants!

Total Reach


Total Students Recruited


TotaL New Applicants


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