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Last-Minute Enrollment Is Possible!

by | Sep 15, 2023

As the new school year approaches, we understand the importance of ensuring maximum student enrollment for your charter school. To support your last-minute student recruitment efforts and help you build a thriving learning community, we recommend implementing the following community outreach strategies:

1.) Community Partnerships: Leverage existing community networks to boost your outreach efforts. Forge partnerships with local organizations and collaborate on events, workshops, or presentations that highlight the unique educational opportunities your school offers throughout the rest of the school year.

2.) Door-to-Door Canvassing: Organize dedicated outreach teams of staff, parents, and volunteers to go door-to-door in nearby neighborhoods. Distribute informational flyers, door hangers, or postcards — all of which are available through our website.

3.) Virtual Open Houses: Host interactive virtual open houses where families can join from the comfort of their homes. Showcase your school’s unique offerings, curriculum highlights, and extracurricular activities. Engage attendees with live Q&A sessions, faculty introductions, and student testimonials.

By implementing these effective outreach strategies, your charter school can establish a strong presence within your community, ensuring student recruitment success for the upcoming school year!


Looking for more guidance on implementation?
Connect with our experts to see your charter school flourish: https://choosecharters.com/schedule/