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Beyond Standardized Testing: Assessments & Accountability

While standardized tests offer valuable insights, they often fall short of capturing the full spectrum of student abilities and achievements. In this article, we'll explore the importance of moving...
School Lunch Hero Day: Free Lunch Best Practices

School Lunch Hero Day: Free Lunch Best Practices

Happy School Lunch Hero Day! Today, we celebrate the unsung heroes who work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that your students are well-fed and ready to learn.  As we honor the dedicated cafeteria staff, cooks, and leaders who make it all possible,...

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How to Safeguard Your School’s Online Identity

How to Safeguard Your School’s Online Identity

Maintaining a strong online presence is crucial for charter schools. However, with the rise of impersonation accounts on social media, protecting your school's online identity has never been more critical. This week, let’s review the steps you can take to...

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A Guide to Re-Evaluating Enrollment Goals

A Guide to Re-Evaluating Enrollment Goals

As charter school leaders, it's essential to periodically reassess our enrollment goals to ensure our schools are thriving and meeting the needs of our communities. In this edition of Student Recruitment Central, we'll delve into the importance of...

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Stress-Busting Tips for Charter School Leaders

Stress-Busting Tips for Charter School Leaders

As we observe Stress Awareness Month this April, it's crucial to recognize the unique challenges that charter school leaders face in managing stress. Juggling administrative tasks, fostering educational excellence, and supporting a diverse student body can...

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Building Well-Rounded Students: Strategies of Top Charters

Building Well-Rounded Students: Strategies of Top Charters

Extracurricular activities play a crucial role in shaping well-rounded students by providing opportunities for personal growth, skill development, and community engagement. For top charter schools across America, offering a diverse range of extracurricular...

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